Red Dot Artist Spotlight--Erika Hutzler

Erika Hutzler has been a contributing artist to the Red Dot Auction for several years now and every year she continues to delight with her sense of fun and strong technique. We are very fortunate to have Erika as part of the Red Dot Auction family!

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In her own words, “I am a God fearing, homeschooling mom of 4 with a drive to go beyond the mundane. I draw cartoons. I have adored Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies all the years of my life and am blessed to continue to participate in continuing the legacy of Chuck Jones at the Chuck Jones Center for Creativity every year. I make ONE art piece a year that I pour my heart into and it goes to the Red Dot Auction. Chuck Jones is my childhood hero and I hope to be a part of his legacy for years to come.”